Meet our Bagsy Mom of the Month, Magen Gamble.  Magen is 34 and married to Allan.  They live in Newnan, GA with their two daughters Mary Barnett (4) and Molly (almost 2) and their two labs Zeke and Tucker.

I am so busy these days.  Two jobs, two girls, two dogs and a sweet husband.  I use Bagsy personally for the items my girls have outgrown.  I just never could get it together for consignment sales- the ironing (don’t tell my mother in law, but I don’t even own one), the tagging and organizing.  This is such a blessing.  I also use Bagsy for my store, Mayfair on The Square, to move inventory when we need to make room for new stuff.  We don’t have much room to store things, so when we need to move it, we are able to do it through Bagsy.

How many children did you think you would have, and how many do you have?

I really thought I wanted four.  I am the oldest of five kids and it is a lot of fun.  But two is our sweet spot.  We are set.

Where do you go for information or advice on raising children?

My step-mom gets a text message from me every week about something- “Does a tricycle need a helmet?”  “Mary Barnett dreads ballet, should we keep making her go?”   She is incredibly patient with me.  I also have this friend, Louise, who is just the most logical, loving mom ever who has been the best mom mentor ever.

What is the most difficult part about being a mother?

Finding balance.  I think I am still at a place in my career at the bank, owning the store, President of Junior Service League, being a wife and friend to my husband…it just gets hard.  There is this great quote I read by Tina Fey that really struck a chord: "I think every working mom probably feels the same thing which is you go through big chunks of time where you're just going 'this is impossible -- oh this is impossible.'  And then you just keep going and keep going and you sort of do the impossible."

What is the most rewarding part about being a mother?

Stepping back and seeing my girls cuddling and reading a book together.  They couldn’t be more different, but they also couldn’t love each other more.

What are your favorite children’s clothing brands?

I think if you came into the store you would see a lot of my love for Pieces By Tam, Florence Eiseman, Petit Bebe and of course, Bailey Boys.  Bailey Boys means so much to the state of Georgia, keeping Georgia residents employed and making clothes here in the US.  I wore it when I was a child and I love that my children are wearing it too. 

Did you wear classic clothing as a child, learn to sew or smock?

I definitely wore it!  And my great grandmother smocked some keepsake dresses that continue to get passed down from generation to generation.  As far as sewing or smocking, I can’t even sew a button on!

Tell us a story about something funny or embarrassing one of your children has done.

On the weekends we play a lot of music and have dance parties with the girls.  All kinds- old stuff, new stuff, country, rap…we have pretty eclectic tastes.  And the following Monday Mary Barnett walked in school and did the….Stanky Leg.  I was both proud and a little embarrassed.  (For the record, she did it really well.)

What aspect of being a mom has surprised you the most?

How much I love watching my husband with the girls.  He’s a guy’s guy and everyone gave him some good natured ribbing when we had girls.  But he is just the best girl dad ever.  He is so loving, kind and committed to making them feel good about themselves.

What is your go-to family meal?

Spaghetti and meatballs- I swear I have never seen children eat as much as ours do on spaghetti night.

What is your favorite bedtime book?

My mom always read “I Love You Forever” to us and we read it to the girls.  My favorite part?  Hearing my husband get choked up while reading to the girls.  It just kills him.  And I think it is so sweet. 

What is the best piece of advice on motherhood that you have received and what is the best piece of advice you would share with new mothers?

My stepmom told me early on, “You don’t have to love all of the stages the same to be a good mom or love your children.  You can love them fiercely and not love every phase.”  I needed that piece of advice at exactly that time.  I was just way out of my element with the newborn stage and felt like I didn’t know what I was doing, but I really hit my stride at about six months.  My stepmom probably chanted the above phrase when I was a teenager.  A lot.  ;)

Please share any other information about you, your children or your family that you would like!

I am a VP of Recruiting at a bank.  I own Mayfair on The Square in Newnan, GA, a brick and mortar children’s boutique that people can shop via Facebook or Instagram.




Meet our mom of the month, Jessica Youngblood.  Jessica is 34 and has been married to her husband Sloan for 10 years.  They have 4 chidren - twins Zachary and Grant (9), Sage (4) and Cooper (2), as well as a dog, cat and several fish.  Originally from central Texas, they now call Madison, Mississippi their home.

It is so easy to stuff our outgrown clothes in a Bagsy Consignment Bag and not have to think about anything else.  I love using my earnings to purchase adorable gently used items or samples, too.  I buy with confidence knowing that anything I receive will be in great condition.

Where do you go for information or advice on raising children? 

I turn to my close group of girlfriends and older women at church.  I feel like I get very valuable, but different, advice from both groups.

What is the most difficult part about being a mother? 

The most difficult part of being a mother is by far the NOISE!  Our house is never quiet and the demands are ever changing.  Just when I think I have everyone figured out and settle in a routine, we have new sports, school projects, challenging behavioral stages to work through, and on and on!

What is the most suprising thing about being a mother?

How organized I have to be!  We are constantly bombarded with papers.  From art papers to important papers, I feel like I am always sorting papers and trying to keep up with who needs what and when.  I often find myself saying, “Can’t we just do school!?”  The fundraisers, family projects, school plays, etc. are overwhelming.

What are your favorite children’s clothing brands? 

One of my all time favorite brands as a mother of three boys is Bailey Boys.  They just do it right!  I love the classic and fun designs for both play and church.  They make it easy on this busy mama to get all 3 boys coordinated and age appropriate. When my daughter was younger, I could often find sweet bloomer sets to coordinate with her brothers.

Did you wear classic clothing as a child, learn to sew or smock? 

My Nana and my mother were both avid sewers, so I did have many special dresses and bloomer sets that they made.  I wish I had them to pass down, but my mom wasn’t able to keep much when we moved from overseas with my dad in the military.  I inherited that love of sewing and now make clothes for my daughter and others.

What is your go-to family meal? 

My family’s go-to meal is definitely, without a doubt, spaghetti!  It’s something I can make quickly and everyone will clean their plates without complaint!

What is your favorite bedtime book? 

We have gone through phases with bedtime books, but when we are all together, we have been reading out of the Duck Commander Devotions for Kids.  My kids love the real life stories that go along with the scripture and prayer.  Recently, our big boys has buddied up with the little ones and read bedtime stories before tucking them in.  I do miss this role a little, but it has been just the sweetest thing to watch my big boys be such loving brothers.

What is the best piece of advice on motherhood that you have received and what is the best piece of advice you would share with new mothers? 

Being a first time mother to twins, I really didn’t get a lot of advice... more like “How do you do it?” and “Good luck!”  One of the most important things I learned along the way that I try to pass down to my new mom friends is to just trust your instinct.  Don’t try to do it all and be the best at everything.  Some days it’s okay to just survive and know that everyone is fed and healthy.  I feel like the world is full of strong opinions and sometimes those are hard to weed through and find the truths.  Be confident in yourself and know that God chose you to be the mother of your child and you can do all things through Him who gives you strength.







Meet our mom of the month, Holland Williams.  Holland, 32, is a photographer in Montgomery, Alabama who specializes in weddings and fine art portraiture for children & families. She is married to Reed, a corporate attorney for Hyundai, and they are mom and dad to daughter Chappell (7), son Collier (3) and daughter Margaret Reed (10 months).   Oh, and three fish.


I have three children that I love to dress in timeless, classic clothing. 

How many children did you think you would have, and how many do you have? 

I always wanted three children... and I just had my third in February. SO... we're officially done here!

Where do you go for information or advice on raising children? 

When it comes to raising my children, I typically go to my friends for advice. I'm fortunate enough to have a great group of girl friends with about a zillion kiddos between us. Odds are, someone's been through it before! My friends give the best advice.  And no matter what, stay away from the internet! Google is NOT your friend when it comes to parenting.


What is the most difficult part about being a mother? 

Most difficult part of being a mother? Probably the sleep deprivation that comes along with having young children. I don't need a fancy vacation- just one night at a hotel by myself, please!

What is the most rewarding part about being a mother? 

The most rewarding part about being a mother will always be seeing their little smiles. Raising kids can certainly be challenging... but at the end of the day, if my kids are happy, I'm happy.

What are your favorite children’s clothing brands? 

My favorite children's clothing brands are probably Little Laundry, Alice Kathleen, Beaufort Bonnet Company, Bella Bliss and Mela Wilson.

Did you wear classic clothing as a child, learn to sew or smock? 

I'm one of three girls and my mother saved a lot of our clothes. It's so much fun to see my own little girls wear our old dresses! I learned to smock when my daughter, Chappell, was born. However, I rarely have time for it anymore. I look forward to picking it back up when I have grandchildren- right now there simply isn't any time!

What is your go-to family meal? 

My go to family meal? I'm embarrassed to say, but that would be take out. I'm a lot of things, but a chef is not one of them!

What is your favorite bedtime book? 

Favorite bedtime book is probably Love You Forever. I cry every time!

What is the best piece of advice on motherhood that you have received and what is the best piece of advice you would share with new mothers? 

The best advice I can give regarding motherhood is to just RELAX. I feel like I've become such a better parent with each child I have, because I've learned to calm down and not stress over the small stuff. Schedules, routine and rules are all great in moderation... but don't become a slave to any of these things! Enjoy your kids. Don't worry so much. I'm still learning. Work in progress!






Meet our mom of the month, Chrissy Stiles from Chattanooga, TN.  Chrissy currently lives in Ringgold, GA with her husband, Wil, their two precious boys, Webb (3), Harris (1), and their dog, Tucker.



Where do I begin?? When I first heard of Bagsy I knew it was exactly what I had been looking for! It is a convenient, no hassle way to consign my boys clothes! Who doesn’t love getting an email everytime an item is sold? The best part is the easy transaction into my paypal account. There are many of my favorite brands sold on Bagsy, so I love to snag deals from other consignors as well! 

How many children did you think you would have, and how many do you have? 

I am an only child, so, of course I thought one would be perfect! My husband, however, has a twin sister and treasures his relationship with her and his older brother. He convinced me Webby needed a sibling and boy was he right! Our family is complete with our sweet baby Harris!


Where do you go for information or advice on raising children? 

I love asking my friends and family for advice! We had our children later in life and most of my friends have "been there done that" and give us great tips for raising our boys. 

What is the most difficult part about being a mother? 

The hardest part about being a mother to me is discipline. Our pediatrician once said, "It is a child's job to test the boundaries and the parents' job to set them." This always helps when I'm struggling to keep my boys on the right track. It is perfectly normal for them to act up and it is up to me to shape them into respectable young men! 

What is the most rewarding part about being a mother? 

I could answer this question for days!! Being a mother to me is like a child on Christmas morning! I feel like God has truly blessed me with the best gift of all! Seeing their face light up when they see those that they love, watching their smiles when they learn something new, feeling their unconditional love...all of these make my heart burst with joy! 

What are your favorite children’s clothing brands? 

I love Bella Bliss, Beaux et Belles, PBJ, Alice Kathleen, Two Girls and a Boy, and Little English! I am always on the hunt for precious cardigans and Willits for my boys!  

Did you wear classic clothing as a child, learn to sew or smock? 

My grandmother (my namesake) had an amazing eye for children's clothes. She raised four boys and dressed them in classics at a young age. I love finding pics of my dad and uncles in their button ons! She loved picking out dresses for her granddaughters. We always looked like dolls! I definitely inherited her love for children's clothing. It makes me smile everytime I dress my boys in something she would have loved! I know she is in heaven looking down and loving every minute of it! 

Tell us a story about something funny or embarrassing one of your children has done. 

The most embarrassing moment for us is when my 3 year old approached one of the members of the vestry at church. He rambunctiously poked him in the stomach and said, "You gotta big tummy!" We almost died! The best part was his sweet little wife that said, "Well at least he's honest!" (Clearly, she agreed with my son!) 

What aspect of being a mom has surprised you the most? 

When I first learned I was having Webb I was nervous about being a mother. The gift of motherhood truly comes naturally. 

What is your go-to family meal? 

My friends that read this will get a great laugh at this question! I don’t cook unless I'm baking sweets with Webb! This part of our life is certainly my husband's forte! I am proud of myself if I have fresh fruits and veggies on the table for the boys! When daddy isn't home, we eat lots of grilled cheese and macaroni! 

What is your favorite bedtime book? 

I was an elementary reading teacher for 14 years, so I LOVE reading to my boys at night! My favorite book that I have read to my oldest lately is On the Day You Were Born. My best friend gave it to me before I had my children and she said you will cry when it means something. She was right! I love that Webb truly thinks the book was written about the day he was born and all the animals danced for him! 

What is the best piece of advice on motherhood that you have received and what is the best piece of advice you would share with new mothers? 

Don't sweat the small stuff! Motherhood can be a very overwhelming experience. Try to focus on what REALLY matters! 

Please share any other information about you, your children or your family that you would like! 

It truly takes a community to raise a child! We couldn't do it without grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and teachers! All of these important people make our world go 'round!


Meet our November mom of the month, Gina Mitch.  Gina is 38 and lives in Signal Mountain, TN with her husband Tim, two boys Timmy (7) and Joe (5), and their golden retriever Parker (12).

When I first heard about Bagsy, I knew I wanted to be a part of this brilliant venture.  Like many moms, I want to cherish the few short years we have with our children while they are young.  Raising boys, this period seems to be even more brief.  I love to dress my boys in a way that holds dear their innocence in a world where kids are growing up way too fast.  I invested in timeless clothing during their younger years and want to continue to do so as they grow up. Bagsy allows me to to easily consign my boys clothes so that I feel more justified splurging on nice pieces in the future.

How many children did you think you would have, and how many do you have?

I always thought I wanted four children, but once our second boy came along, we knew we had all we could handle!

Where do you go for information or advice on raising children?

I rely on my family and friends that have children similar ages.  We are all in this together!

What is the most difficult part about being a mother?

For the majority of my children’s childhood I was a career mom, and I always found it difficult to balance the challenges that come with raising a family, nurturing a marriage and and keeping up a household while focusing on work.  There are so many working moms and finding that balance is hard.

What is the most rewarding part about being a mother?

There is nothing better than when my boys come up to me out of the blue and say “I love you Mommy.”  Those are the moments that ground you.

What are your favorite children’s clothing brands?

When they were younger, my favorites were Bailey Boys, Shrimp & Grits and Hannah Kate.  Now that they are getting older, it is a challenge to find classic clothing for boys. We are wearing more brands like E-Land and Brooks Brothers now.  

Did you wear classic clothing as a child, learn to sew or smock?

I did wear many precious smocked dresses as a little girl, but sadly did not have the desire or patience to learn to sew.  My sister-in-law sews adorable handmade pieces, and so (luckily) I’ve benefited from some of her creations.

What aspect of being a mom has surprised you the most?

It is so easy to lose sight of the important things - those small moments in your child’s life.  There is not enough time in the day and those special moments can easily get overlooked.  As moms we need to make an effort to sit back and enjoy our children and just be with them. 

What is your go-to family meal?

Taco Night! It is one of few meals everyone loves and a great way to sneak in veggies.

What is your favorite bedtime book?

Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site is an all time favorite for my youngest boy and my oldest loved Where the Wild Things Are. 

What is the best piece of advice on motherhood that you have received and what is the best piece of advice you would share with new mothers?

Give yourself a break because all moms go through periods of feeling like they are failing at some aspect of their life whether it’s employee, mother, wife, friend.   


Meet our October mom of the month, Evey.  Mom to three girls Jane Evelyn (6), Kathleen (4) and Rebecca (almost 2), and married to Lance, Evey just turned 40 and lives in Waco, TX.  A working mom, Evey is the co-owner of Eyelet & Ivy, a manufacturer of affordable, high-quality cotton knits with unique details for boys and girls, sizes newborn - 8.

I consign with Bagsy because it is so easy to mail off our clothes and it saves me time because I don’t have to iron and take pictures to sell them online.  I also find cute outfits for my girls on their website because they carry my favorite brands.

How many children did you think you would have, and how many do you have? 

I always wanted three children and that’s what we have! 

Where do you go for information or advice on raising children? 

I get most of my parenting advice from my mother and my friends – especially those with older children who have been there already.

What is the most difficult part about being a mother? 

Maintaining balance in my life is a daily struggle.  I am a planner and like to cross things off my to-do list.  Some days nothing gets done on that to-do list and I have to be ok with that because my kids are fed and happy and that’s what matters most. 

What is the most rewarding part about being a mother? 

I love seeing their little personalities develop and especially love when they are being sweet to each other.  From a career standpoint, it is very rewarding see them comfortable and playing in the knit clothing that I’ve designed with them in mind.

How do you balance your career with being a mother?

I’m very fortunate that my business partner and I share the same perspective of family first.  We love Eyelet & Ivy and what we are building but we also are moms and wives first and foremost.  That said, I do struggle with maintaining balance and pray daily for guidance.  There are times we have to pull back with work because we have a busy week with the kids.  I try to avoid over-committing our family with too many activities.  I am fortunate to live in a neighborhood where I can carpool and have playdates and that helps me out.  And our Friday afternoon neighborhood playdates are also happy hours for the moms!  

What are your favorite children’s clothing brands? 

Eyelet & Ivy (of course!), Alice Kathleen, Little Laundry, Beaux et Belles, Hannah Kate, Two Girls and A Boy, PBJ, Mary & Grace.  I’m sure I’m forgetting some!  I love dressing my three girls so we like a bit of everything classic and sweet.

Did you wear classic clothing as a child, learn to sew or smock? 

My mother hand-sewed and smocked clothes for my sister and me growing up.  I took a sewing class in the 7th grade but I can only sew on a button.  Thankfully, I still have a lot of the dresses she made and have passed down to my girls.

Tell us a story about something funny or embarrassing one of your children has done. 

My oldest daughter loves to play pretend restaurant.  Recently, we had some friends over and she was taking everyone’s order.  When my friend asked her what type of drinks she had, she said “Well, we have milk…or tonic.”  Obviously, she has been listening too closely when hubs or I make our favorite adult beverage.

What aspect of being a mom has surprised you the most? 

When I gave birth to my third daughter, we also found out on the same day that she had Down Syndrome as well as heart defects.  I knew very little about DS other than I knew that I didn’t want this diagnosis for my child.  What I have found surprising over the past two years is how more alike she is to my other daughters than different.  She is a blessing to our family and a true joy in my life.  While I don’t know what the future holds for Rebecca or for even my other two girls, we are raising them all the same way and find comfort knowing that God has a plan for each of them.

What is your go-to family meal? 

I am all about easy meals but try to also cook healthily.  We love making tacos with ground turkey and a packet of Frontera taco skillet sauce.  I add mushrooms and chopped spinach to sneak in some extra vegetables.  Serve with flour tortillas, avocado, and shredded jack cheese.  Super easy and delicious!

What is your favorite bedtime book? 

Rebecca loves Goodnight Moon and Pat the Bunny.  The older girls love anything Fancy Nancy.

What is the best piece of advice on motherhood that you have received and what is the best piece of advice you would share with new mothers? 

“No baby ever died from crying” is what my husband used to tell me when I had trouble putting a baby to bed.  It’s always hard for me to hear them cry and not rush back in and pick them up but setting good sleep habits early on is really important.  Our girls all sleep in their own beds and sleep through the night.





Meet our September mom of the month, Rosemary.  She is 39, and lives in Montgomery, AL with her husband Jeromy and their 3 daughters, Catherine (11), Maggie (9) and Ellis (4). 

Having 3 girls, I love the concept of being able to buy and sell my favorite brands at affordable prices. A few weeks ago I was able to find a matching pair of pants to an existing top we had and make the perfect outfit with little work. Bagsy does all the work and yet we reap the benefits!

How many children did you think you would have, and how many do you have? 

I grew up an only child so I always hoped for at least 2 children and was blessed with 3! 

Where do you go for information or advice on raising children? 

My mom has been a huge source of wisdom for me over the years. I also have been very blessed with some fabulous friends and we are navigating these unchartered waters together! 

What is the most difficult part about being a mother? 

There are many days that I don’t feel like I can get it all done or that I haven't done the best job. I am learning that it doesn’t have to "look" or "be" perfect, they really just need to know that I love them. I think another hard part of being a mother is discipline, it's not fun but I also know it's necessary. 

What is the most rewarding part about being a mother? 

Seeing how different each of my girls are and watching them grow into these amazing little people! 

What are your favorite children’s clothing brands? 

I have sold Red Beans for about 4 years and loved that I could find something for each of my children and their varying ages. A few of my other favorites are Alice Kathleen, Kate and Libby, and Hannah Kate 

Did you wear classic clothing as a child, learn to sew or smock? 

My mom put me in classic children's clothing growing up and I wore many a peter pan collar from "Chocolate Soup"! She saved many of my smocked and heirloom dresses and it has been fun to see my own girls in some of my old things. 

Tell us a story about something funny or embarrassing one of your children has done. 

My children do things daily to make me laugh but my youngest gives me a run for my money on a minute by minute basis. She is always the one who speaks too loud in public places and comments on someone's weight or purple hair or their tattoo. 

What aspect of being a mom has surprised you the most? 

That this is truly the HARDEST job that I have had but it's also the MOST rewarding! 

What is your go-to family meal? 

We have hamburgers every Sunday night. It was our family tradition when I was a little girl and now we are having the same simple meal with my 3 girls. 

What is your favorite bedtime book? 

My favorite book that I read and sing to each of them is the book "Snugglepuppy" by Sandra Boynton 

What is the best piece of advice on motherhood that you have received and what is the best piece of advice you would share with new mothers? 

1.)Never take yourself too serious. 

2.)You are going to make mistakes and that’s ok, but always admit it and tell them you are sorry 

3.)I would tell a new mom the most important advice that I was given is to pray for them daily! 





Meet our mom of the month, Rory, age 40, from Nashville, TN. She is married to Dolph, and mom to Chesnee (6), Evie (5), Lawson (18 months) and Finley, theincredible rescue dog (9 years old give or take). 


When did you know you wanted to become a mom? 

I always hoped that I would be a mother. 

How many children did you think you would have, and how many do you have? 

I wanted a houseful and we have three. 

Where do you go for information or advice on raising children?  

I bug my older sister the most, but I also ask my mother and my mother-in-law. And fortunately I have an amazing network of friends. 

What is the most difficult part about being a mother? 

The most challenging part of motherhood for me so far is attempting to accomplish our daily activities without running everyone ragged including myself. I'm currently focused on trying to simplify our lives by not overcommitting. This is likely most difficult for me as I am a pleaser and a doer. 

What is the most rewarding part about being a mother? 

 Those "magic moments" when your children are completely carefree, relaxed and happy. My children all have the most amazing smiles and fantastic belly laughs! 

What are your favorite children’s clothing brands? 

My babies dressed for comfort as infants so we wore mostly Kissy Kissy and Pixie Lily.  And it's hard to beat chunky thighs in a bubble or a simple JohnJohn.  As my daughters got older I tended to dress them in clean, classic and non fussy clothes. I love a sweet Peter Pan collared dress on a little girl. 

Did you wear classic clothing as a child, learn to sew or smock? 

Yes, my mother insisted on us wearing gorgeous clothing. I think she cared more about how we looked than herself. She is a beautiful seamstress who smocks as does my sister and stepmother. I've been spoiled.  

What aspect of being a mom has surprised you the most? 

I had no idea how hard it would be! 

What is your go-to family meal? 

Oh, how I wish there was a "go to" meal. My thought every afternoon is, "must I feed them every day."  The meal that satisfies everyone but my husband is Mexican. That's definitely my go to when he's working late or out of town. 

What is your favorite bedtime book? 

As of late, our oldest daughter reads bedtime stories to her siblings before bed. Everyone piles on the floor together to listen. It's my favorite time of the day. 

What is the best piece of advice on motherhood that you have received and what is the best piece of advice you would share with new mothers? 

Give yourself Grace! And do what works for YOU and YOUR family. I think mothers need to support each other regardless of what path you choose. It's a hard balance and everyone is doing their best. After having our third a friend told me that it was "no longer about the individuals in the family but what was best for the entire family unit as a whole." I think of that every day when I'm trying to juggle too much to please everyone and I've told every new mother of three that same piece of advice.


I shop Bagsy because it's a simple way for me to buy and sell quality clothing for my children at a fraction of the retail price with very little effort on my end. In one word it's easy!







Kate, age 31, from Lookout Mountain, TN

Mom to John & Anna Margaret, married to Rich

What is the most rewarding part of being a mother?

I could write a novel on this - where to begin? It has to be watching your children smile and laugh. When your newborn baby locks eyes with you for the first time and she gives you the biggest gummy smile. When your toddler squeals and screams from you tickling him and then says do it again. When you walk into the nursery first thing in the morning and both kids are so, so, so happy to see you with their sleepy smiles. Those moments are the epitome of innocent, pure, true happiness. 

What is the most difficult part of being a mother?

 My kids are still young, so I haven’t had to cross some of the major hurdles yet. But I am already struggling with letting go, bit-by-bit, so my son can “grow up”. You’d have thought his first day of preschool was like I was sending him away to boarding school in a foreign country for a year! I want time to slow down a little bit so I can enjoy him just a little longer in each phase of his childhood. 

What are your favorite children’s clothing brands?

Little English, Vive la Fete, Cukees, Kissy Kissy, JoJo Maman Bebe, Hanna Andersson

Tell us something funny or embarrassing one of your children have done?

The list is pretty long, but last week my son out of nowhere, while in the grocery store check out line, excitedly screamed “Jesus go poo-poo on the potty and make turtles and get jellybeans!?” 

What aspect of being a mom has surprised you the most?

Of course the lack of sleep is tough, but I totally underestimated how much my life would revolve around food and meals. Between the baby’s bottles and the toddler’s picky food preferences, I feel like I’m forever thinking about who needs to eat and what to cook.  

What is your go-to family meal?

Being originally from Texas, we have fajitas or tacos at least once a week. My husband will grill up the steak and chicken, I’ll make the guacamole (has to be from scratch for me!) and both kids will eat it all up. 

What is your favorite bedtime book?

All the stories I love are the ones that make me cry! The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein is a favorite, along with I’ll Love You Forever by Roger Knapp. You can always find a Dr. Seuss or Curious George book in the bedtime story rotation too. 

What is your advice for new mothers?

Keep the monitor on your husband’s side of the bed, don’t make your baby’s well-check appointments on Mondays (when everyone comes in sick from the weekend - rookie move, Kate!) and blame the dog when you accidentally eat all of the Halloween candy.  

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